Closest airport - EWR - Newark Liberty Airport
Taxi to Embassy suites costs USD 65
Other airports: Taxi to Embassy suites costs USD 145+ depending on traffic.
La Guardia Airport (LGA) mostly domestic flights
JFK International Airport (JFK)Driving: remember parking is free for guests staying at the hotel.
Hotel shuttle: complimentary for hotel guests, 2 mile radius. Call +1-201-864-7300 with reservation/suite number
Public transport options:
320 Bus stops at/very close to Embassy Suites - Secaucus. Schedule :
Greater Meadowlands Transit Guide:
Train: Closest station - Secaucus Junction 2-3 miles from hotel (hotel shuttle for guests).
7 minutes $2 from Newark Penn station on NJ Transit, 10 minutes from newark Airport for $5 one-way
Uber available but not welcome at most airports in the area.
New York City Transit subway riders can transfer to Hoboken-bound PATH trains at 33rd Street and then board the Meadowlands Service at NJ Transit's Hoboken Terminal. Or, simply connect with NJ Transit trains at Penn Station NY.
Train: Closest station - Secaucus Junction 2-3 miles from hotel (hotel shuttle for guests).
7 minutes $2 from Newark Penn station on NJ Transit, 10 minutes from newark Airport for $5 one-way
Uber available but not welcome at most airports in the area.
New York City Transit subway riders can transfer to Hoboken-bound PATH trains at 33rd Street and then board the Meadowlands Service at NJ Transit's Hoboken Terminal. Or, simply connect with NJ Transit trains at Penn Station NY.
We hope this helps!
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Very nice article..Thanks for sharing this article.
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